One of our greatest needs is to know that we are loved. Each one of us has to feel certain, deep down in our hearts, that someone loves us, cares for us, and has our best interest at heart. That is how God designed us.
Intimacy With God And Confidence In Life | Devotional
Then GOD said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air; and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26
One of our greatest needs is to know that we are loved. Each one of us has to feel certain, deep down in our hearts, that someone loves us, cares for us, and has our best interest at heart.
That is how God designed us. He wants us to know that He loves every one of us with a passionate intensity too deep to put into words.
God created human beings with fellowship in mind—first for Himself, and then with others. But we cannot fully love one another until we have experienced the love of God ourselves.
We experience His love when we willingly surrender our life to Jesus to be our Saviour, lord, King, and Master. God loves us, and He desires our fellowship and worship. He wants our service for Him to be effective and fruitful, not casual and indifferent.
The closer we draw to God, the more impact it will have on our lives, and thus we will more energetically nurture our relationship with the lord. This ultimately give us confidence in life.
God waits for freedom to bless us. God is omnipotent but will not violate His own principles. He draws us to Himself so that we can experience His love and forgiveness.
In our intimacy with Him, He asks for our willingness to surrender to Him so that He can give us the best blessings He has to offer us.
Pride is the key reason most people resist surrendering. They think they know better than God and that they can handle their own life better than God, and so they drift away and keep God at an arm’s distance.
Others refuse to surrender to Christ because they believe Satan’s lie, which tells them that God is judgmental rather than loving, and that God will punish them for their mistakes.
God always has our best in mind and will refuse us no good thing when we gladly submit to His will. God tells us, “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).
It then makes sense to surrender to Him, because God desires it, and when we get close to Him, we sense His love—His highest priority for us.
What is the cry of your heart? Do you want to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and live in the fullness of His blessing each day? You can. David said, “Those who seek the Lord shall never lack any good thing” (Psalm 34:10).
When you accept Jesus Christ as Saviour, He not only forgives you but also makes you into a new creature, no longer standing at a distance from God, but able to draw near to Him.
Daily intimacy with Him become prime in your life and herein draws your spiritual strength to overcome all adversities in life. Glory to God!
If you have drifted in your devotion to the Saviour and feel as though you grow more distant each day in your relationship to Him, pray that He would draw near once more.
He knows your weaknesses, and if you will tell Him that you want Him to take control of your life, He will come to you in a mighty way and bring you hope and confidence, no matter how dark and hopeless your situation may be.
Just surrender every facet of your life totally to Him, ask His love to be released upon you, and His power to overshadow you. You would be glad you did, and the joy of the Lord would henceforth take over your life in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Suggested further reading: Romans 8:32; Isaiah 55:6–7
Father Almighty, thank You for re-created me through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Today, I commit myself daily to have intimacy with You, thereby I will grow and mature and have confidence in life. Father, forgive me of my pride and stubbornness which drew a wedge between me and You.
This made me lose the intimacy with You; but thank Jesus Christ, for His everlasting blood has broken that wall of separation forever, and I can now draw closer to You.
Thank You, Father, for Your love and kindness pouring forth into my life every day as I seek You and surrender my life totally to You.
Father, I give You all the praise, adoration, and honour. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen.