God’s Treasure House of Truth

GOD IS OPENING up His treasure house of truth and releasing it all over mankind in remarkable ways. I’m talking about the Holy Spirit unlocking the very Scriptures you hold in your hands.

God’s Treasure House of Truth. Daily Devotional by Bill Johnson

If you seek [wisdom] as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God. – Proverbs 2:4-5

GOD IS OPENING up His treasure house of truth and releasing it all over mankind in remarkable ways. Like birth pangs signaling the time of delivery, things are being released in revelation knowledge that have been preserved through the ages for this particular hour.

In other words, this exponential increase in wisdom and revelation is being precipitated by the day that God is releasing in our time in history. I’m not talking about new books of the Bible or other holy writings.

I’m talking about the Holy Spirit unlocking the very Scriptures you hold in your hands. How do you respond to what God reveals to you in the pages of Scripture? Do you believe these treasures are available to you?

I receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that I can understand every facet of what God is saying to me today through His Word.

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