The pressing needs around us—even if they are good things—can take the focus away from what matters most: our relationship with God and the people He has placed in our lives. But read the verse again: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else”
First Things First, Daily Devotional by Tony Dungy
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33
When people ask me to sign something, lately I’ve begun using this verse. Its truth is such a helpful way for me to structure the focus of my days.
How do you begin to set the right priorities for your life against the pull of the things the world says are important? It’s not easy, but it’s absolutely essential if you want to make sure you don’t miss the things that matter most.
With today’s verse, the natural tendency is to read the first part quickly in order to get to that last phrase: “and he will give you everything you need.” I know; I’ve been there.
And if we’re honest about it, we would probably admit that we’re usually inclined to live each day primarily focusing on “everything [we] need.” It’s the stuff that slams us smack in the face when we wake up each morning and becomes more and more pressing throughout the day.
The pressing needs around us—even if they are good things—can take the focus away from what matters most: our relationship with God and the people He has placed in our lives.
But read the verse again: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else” (another Bible translation says, “Seek first His Kingdom”). How can you do that? With all the challenges, obstacles, and urgent matters of each day, is it even possible?
Let me suggest that you keep doing what you are doing right now—taking a few moments to be quiet and spend time with God.When you do, you will be pleasantly surprised at how He will lessen your worries about tomorrow and release you from the breathless pace of the world’s “urgent” priorities for today in order to make room for His priorities.
Dedicating time to the priorities that God has entrusted to you may not seem significant right now, but to someone who needs you, it could make all the difference in his or her life—and in yours.
U N C O M M O N K E Y– Determine to seek God’s priorities for your life. It begins by spending time with Him.Try to do it every day—for yourself and for those who matter most to you.