Decision of Love

The decision of love looks to triumph over every sphere of life with no turning back or disowning. The decision to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is that of love unsurpassed by any other love.

Decision Of Love | Devotional

“. . . And wherever you [Naomi] lodge, I [Ruth] will lodge . . .”
Ruth 1:16

This statement of Ruth, “And wherever you lodge, I will lodge,” is Decision Of Love, the third declaration of commitment to her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Ruth’s decision was to live with her mother-in-law in whatever place Naomi decided to lodge. She would subsequently share the same afflictions under the same roof.

She decided to lock her life intimately with Naomi. It was therefore a decision to give up the security of a husband and family in order to help Naomi in a search for a new security.

The decision of love affirms a deep commitment and does not randomly sever relationships and commitment.

It stands the test of times – good or bad. It does not dissociate itself from unpleasant circumstances of life such as poverty, humiliation, persecution, rejection, trials of faith and so on.

The decision of love looks to triumph over every sphere of life with no turning back or disowning. The decision to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is that of love unsurpassed by any other love.

It is a commitment made within the confines of your heart, vibrating with joy unspeakable until eternity.

Our Lord Jesus Christ after the post-resurrection questioned Peter three times concerning his love for Him when He appeared to the disciples in their fishing business.

Thrice Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” (John 21:15-17) It is a question each and every disciple of Jesus Christ soberly has to reflect deeply within the heart.

Do you love Jesus because of you want a successful life? Do you love Jesus because of fame or prestige? Do you love Jesus because of manifold blessings that you would get? Many have varied reasons of loving Jesus.

However, decision of love for Jesus is not contingent upon what you would get or what you supposedly could achieve in this present life.

Beloved, whether in life or death you have to love Jesus. Whether good or bad you have to love Him. Whether in affluence or in scarcity, you have to love Jesus.

Whether in comfort or affliction, you have to love Jesus. Jesus Christ’s love for us is unconditional and ours to Him ought to be real commitment with no flip-flop.

So, our decision to love people shouldn’t be based on any condition to be met, but unconditional.

It should be love shed abroad in our hearts, not in our minds. Decision to love is not coercive; but voluntarily.

Decision of love is not a spur of the moment action; decision of love is not an on and off affair. Also, decision of love does not spring from a half-hearted heart.

Decision of love is an action of love that emerges from a reservoir of love whereby it never dries out. Again, decision of love is an action whereby Jesus Christ is the fountain of it.

May it be our resolve that our decision to love people should be a manifestation of real, conscious and resolute, not phony and peripheral? Thank You LORD of Heaven and the earth. Amen.

Suggested Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 13.


Thank You, LORD of Heaven and earth, for Your awesome love manifested to mankind in the person of Your Son, Jesus Christ. LORD empower me through thy Spirit to be committed in my love for You thereby manifesting the same love for people as well.

Father help me to be realistic with real love and from pure heart. Father, I thank You for the unconditional love shown to me in the person of Your Son Jesus Christ who died on the cross of Calvary.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for loving me in the person of Your Son Jesus Christ. I will forever give You the praise and adoration. Amen.

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