The company we keep is important because we tend to take on the traits of those with whom we spend a lot of time. Choose to spend time with people who will make you a better person.
Choose Your Friends Carefully | Daily Devotional by Joyce Meyer
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked”. Psalm 1:1
The company we keep is important because we tend to take on the traits of those with whom we spend a lot of time. Choose to spend time with people who will make you a better person, not with those who tempt you to lower your standards or compro- mise your morals.
Ask God to arrange divine connections for you, so you will continually be influenced by the very best of people. Don’t choose your friends based merely on a desire to be in the most popular social group or because you think they can help you climb the ladder of success. Choose people with proven godly character.
Getting to know people takes time, and we need to see them in all kinds of situations and watch how they respond. How do they treat other people—especially those they might consider to be “unimportant”? Everyone is equally important to God, and each person should be important to us also.
As you begin this new year, take an inventory of the people who are influencing you. If they are not helping you be a better person, you may need to pray about whether or not spending so much time with them is wise.
Father, help me make good choices about the people I allow to influence my life, and help me be a good influence on everyone I am around.