If you need God’s comforting hope, especially because you’re deeply saddened by the loss of your sober sanity, he wants you to know that “you’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you.
Being Restored to Sanity | Devotional
[God says,] “Call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.” Psalm 50:15
This passage reminds us of the supernatural power God offers to those who are hurt- ing. He yearns to take the grief-stricken from their dark place of hopelessness, a place from which they feel they might never return, and to give them hope. And “he who has hope has everything” (Arabian proverb).
If you need God’s comforting hope, especially because you’re deeply saddened by the loss of your sober sanity, he wants you to know that “you’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you” (Matthew 5:4, The Message).
To receive this blessing, practice reciting with conviction Step Two in the Twelve Steps for Believers: “I believe that God can restore me to sanity and help me follow his plan.”
Years ago I heard an inspiring statement: “Don’t tell God how big your storm is; tell the storm how big your God is!”
The statement may have inspired or been inspired by the country gospel song “Tell the Storm.” If we’d only get in the habit of doing that, we’d be reminded continually that our God wants to rescue us when we’re in trouble—even when we’re reaching for familiar idols or crutches.
If you find yourself in distress or facing dangerous circumstances, put your hope in God and call on him for help.
And why not get in the habit every day, all day long, of asking God to lead you by his truth and teach you to do his will (see Psalm 25:5)?
He’ll rescue you from the insanity that is addiction, and then you can give him all the glory he’s due.
Soul Searh
What godly assistance do you need to resist an enticing obsession or compulsion?
How might the comforting hope and help you receive from God embolden your quest to discover and fulfill God’s calling on your life?
God of all hope, help, and comfort, I’m in distress, but I’m counting on your much- acclaimed faithfulness to rescue me and guide me into a daily restoration of my sobriety and sanity.
Don’t let that conviction waver in my darkest hours. I know you have the power to help me recover and answer your calling on my life.