The Zondervan 2018 Pastor’s Annual: An Idea and Resource Book

This issue contains series of sermons by several contributing authors who have been effective contemporary preachers and successful pastors. Each author is listed with his sermons by date.

The Zondervan 2018 Pastor’s Annual: An Idea and Resource Book

Favorable comments from ministers who serve in many different types of churches suggest that the Pastor’s Annual provides valuable assistance to many busy pastors as they seek to improve the quality, freshness, and variety of their pulpit ministry.

To be of service to a fellow pastor in his or her continuing quest to obey our Lord’s command to Peter, “Feed my sheep,” is a calling to which I respond with gratitude.

The Zondervan 2018 Pastor's Annual: An Idea and Resource Book
The Zondervan 2018 Pastor’s Annual: An Idea and Resource Book

This issue of the Pastor’s Annual will be blessed by our Lord in helping each pastor to plan and produce a preaching program that will better meet the spiritual needs of his or her congregation.

This issue contains series of sermons by several contributing authors who have been effective contemporary preachers and successful pastors:

Morris Ashcraft, Tom S. Brandon, Harold T. Bryson, Hiram Campbell, James E. Carter, T. T. Crabtree, Charles O. Dinkins, David R. Grant, James F. Heaton, W. T. Holland, David L. Jenkins, Jerold McBride, Lowell D. Milburn, Leonard Sanderson, Bob Wood, Fred M. Wood.

Each author is listed with his sermons by date in the section titled “Contributing Authors.” I accept responsibility for those sermons not listed there.

This issue of the Pastor’s Annual is dedicated to the Lord with a prayer that he will bless these efforts to let the Holy Spirit lead us in preparing a planned preaching program for the year.

Sermons Programs

Sunday Mornings
We will start the new year with a Sunday morning sermon titled “A Controlling Motive for the New Year.” Then, on the second Sunday morning, we will begin a series on “Jesus, the Word.” After an initial sermon on Jesus as God’s “last Word,” on the following Sundays we will examine some of Jesus’s first sayings.

Sunday Evenings
“God Continues to Speak” is the theme for messages based on some selected great chapters from the Old Testament. These relevant messages deal with the needs and problems that confront us in daily living.

Wednesday Evenings
“The Words of Jesus Christ” is the theme for the Wednesday evening meditations. Paul’s exhortation to the Colossians, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly,” is the scriptural theme for these meditations on some of Jesus’s great statements.

You may want to implement a memorization program using the passages from the Wednesday evening services.

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