This book is a celebration of their work, an examination of their faith, and a challenge to all readers.
The One Year Women in Christian History Devotional
Daily Inspirations from God’s Work in the Lives of Women by Randy Petersen and Robin Shreeves
The news of Jesus’ resurrection came first to women. And women were in the room at Pentecost—leading Peter to quote the prophetic word that “your sons and daughters will prophesy.” Historians tell us that the caring ministry of women helped the early church grow, even as it was being persecuted. “What women these Christians have!” exclaimed one fourth-century pagan.
Ever since, at the key junctures of Christian history, women have been there— teaching, healing, writing, praying, nurturing, inspiring, and so on. They have shared their unique gifts with the church, sometimes overcoming great obstacles to do so.

This book is a celebration of their work, an examination of their faith, and a challenge to all readers. One caution: while going through this book, you might find yourself saying, “What’s she doing in here?” We may have included women associated with groups or causes you disagree with, or some women you have a low opinion of.
You might even doubt whether they’re really Christian. In putting together this book, we’ve tried to identify women who have been significant in Christian history. They’re not perfect, and in some cases they might not even be exemplary.
But we hope that our devotional writing will at least make you think, and maybe inspire you to commit yourself to God in a new way—whether following the examples of these historical women or avoiding their errors.
Let’s face it. Over the centuries there have been major disagreements among Christians over the accepted role of women. Please do not see this book as an attempt to sway you to one side or the other.
We simply offer you the stories of women who have made a difference in the church and in the world, and we invite you to consider how God has worked in them and through them.
And then consider how God wants to work in and through you.