It’s impossible to go through life without experiencing hurt, especially in the invisible world of our thoughts and emotions. We all respond differently to these hurts.
Some of us try to avoid feeling the pain by turning to harmful behaviors or addictive substances— hoping to numb the hurts within. Others of us try to distance ourselves from the pain by throwing ourselves into more noble pursuits—hoping to stay busy enough to silence the painful memories from our past.
Over the years, millions have found help and hope by working through the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. More recently, many who have not been addicted to alcohol or another addictive chemical also have found healing through these steps.

The Life Recovery Devotional has been designed for all of us whose lives have in some way been touched by addictions or other compulsive behaviors. All of the Twelve Steps are rooted in spiritual principles that are displayed prominently in God’s Word.
And each meditation in this book is based upon biblical truths that will lead us to freedom from the prisons of our addictions and compulsions. This fi ts with our desire to bring recovery back to the Bible.
These biblical meditations have been written and edited by people who are in recovery. Some of them are focused more toward those of us struggling with addictions; others deal with issues common among those living alongside those with addictions and compulsions.
Although we may go about dealing with our problems in very different ways, we’re all trying to deal with the pain of growing up in a broken world. Reading these meditations will help us understand the struggles that are common to all of us in recovery. Sharing the truths we encounter will encourage our growth and lead us out of our isolation and loneliness.
This book contains thirty meditations for each of the Twelve Steps, plus fi ve additional meditations to use when starting over after a relapse. There are no wrong ways to use this book (unless it is used to point a fi nger at someone else).
Some of us may choose to read one meditation each day for a year, progressing a step each month. Others may fi nd it more helpful to read through the meditations for a single step several times before progressing to the next.
Our recovery is the goal; use the book with this in mind! And this devotional will be helpful whether or not we’re active in Twelve Step groups.
Working through the Twelve Steps will unite us with millions of others who are working through their programs. Looking for help in God’s Word will unite us with God and the power he offers for our healing.
He longs to bring us good news, to heal our broken hearts, to comfort those of us who mourn, and to free us from the bondage of our past. “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).