Spiritual Warfare For The End Times

In this book we have the benefit of sixty years of Derek Prince’s expertise in spiritual warfare, you will realize that you have entered an extraordinary training ground to become the spiritual champion you were meant to be.

Spiritual Warfare for the End Times. By Derek Prince

Most people believe that evil is a what. But in reality, evil is a who. Unless you face this truth, you and your family may end up being victims of that evil.

Spiritual Warfare For The End Times
Spiritual Warfare For The End Times

At this moment in history, we are witnessing an unprecedented escalation of malevolence that is sending shock waves around the world.

People of all faiths are wondering if these events are a sign of the beginning of the close of this age.

The truth we must face is that someone—our adversary, the devil—is out to deceive, destabilize and destroy the peoples and nations of the world.

As Christians we know there is something the Church is supposed to be doing about all this. The question is, What? How do we fight this enemy? How do we win this war?

Although these are perilous times, you and I have nothing to fear. There are answers—and some of them can be found in this powerful and timely book by Derek Prince, Spiritual Warfare for the End Times.

Derek Prince pulls no punches. Instead he pulls back the curtain the evil one has been hiding behind. In this book he outlines exactly what the Church needs to do, and how to do it.

In one of the opening chapters Derek makes the following statement:

Here is my belief: The devil wants to keep us in the dark. If there is one truth that the devil wants to keep us from knowing, it is that we have the authority to bring his kingdom to an end. Until we know it, we will not do it. But when we know it, we must determine to do it.

These statements encapsulate the purpose of this landmark volume. By the time you finish reading Spiritual Warfare for the End Times, you will know beyond all doubt that we have the authority and power to bring Satan’s kingdom to an end.

In this volume we have the benefit of sixty years of Derek Prince’s expertise in spiritual warfare, condensed into a compelling page-turner you will not want to put down.

From the first pages, you will realize that you have entered an extraordinary training ground to become the spiritual champion you were meant to be.

At Derek Prince Ministries, we believe this book will play a pivotal role in bringing the Church to her full stature. What will be the result?

Christians will move closer and closer to the tipping point of victory in the battle against the enemy of our souls. Ultimately, by the word of our testimony and the blood of the Lamb, not loving our lives unto death, you and I will pull the kingdom of Satan down once and for all.

Our hope for this book is that it will help us achieve that great and final victory in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is our commission—and it is our destiny in Him.

Spiritual Warfare for the End Times. Contents

1. Evil Is Someone
2. How Satan Works
3. A Defeated Foe
4. A New Creation
5. Authority Reinstated
6. Authority Over Demons
7. Freedom from Futility
8. Overcoming Satan’s Kingdom
9. God’s Program for the Close of the Age
10. Restoration of the Church
11. Delivered from Demons
12. Re-Equipping
13. Regathering
14. The Church’s Final Purpose
15. The Opposing Kingdom
16. Satan’s Program for the Close of the Age
17. Looking for a Man
18. The Days of Noah
19. The Pattern of Ahab
20. The Rise of False Prophets
21. The Church’s Responsibility
22. Restraining Corruption
23. Casting Down Satan’s Kingdom
24. The Blood, the Word and Our Testimony
25. What the Blood Does
26. Cleansing
27. Justification
28. Sanctification
29. Our Physical Bodies
30. The Blood Speaks in Heaven
Proclamation: My Testimony of the Blood of Jesus
About the Author

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