Himself to His children as an inheritance. Nothing stretches the imagination more than this truth. The God of the universe not only makes Himself—every aspect of His being—available to us, but He also actively pursues our hearts.
Meeting God Face to Face, 365 Devotional, by Bill Johnson
My life’s great honor is to guard and cultivate my relationship with Him. However much I long to see cancer eradicated, blind eyes opened, or the oppressed set free, these quests come second to my desire simply to be in His presence.

The pursuit of His presence is foundational for every other aspect of our lives. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” God is the great rewarder.
Awareness that He rewards is so important for our understanding of Him as a good Father. However, if we become focused on the “all things added,” our walk with God will always be measured by external conditions. It is a relational journey. Period.
My prayer is that this devotional would stir up a hunger within you, drawing you closer to God’s presence and deeper into His truth. As you read these pages, may you have the kind of real encounters with His power and grace that leave you transformed forever.
THE AIR IS pregnant with possibility—can you feel it? Heaven itself is longing to invade the natural realm. Darkness may cover the earth, but God’s glory upon His people is becoming more and more realized, bringing hope to the most hopeless situations.
And what is this day that God is unveiling? It is a day of divine encounters, at least for those who will pursue what this revelation is making available. Are you ready to pursue Him?
I challenge you to step toward Him boldly and let His face shine upon you so that you can be light to the world.