Life is ___ Forty Day Experience a Devotional Journey

I’m here to point you to a person: Jesus. I’m here to show you that what you know and believe about God can give you the life you long to have. By Judah Smith

The Life Is ______ Forty-Day Experience. a Devotional Journey by Judah Smith

The Life Is ______ Forty-Day Experience. Is a devotional consists of forty inspirational thoughts and Bible verses.

They all relate to the main concept of the Life Is ______ book: that God is the central theme of life and that when we follow him, we find true fulfillment.

Life is ___ Forty Day Experience a Dvotional Journey
Life is ___ Forty Day Experience a Dvotional Journey

These devotional thoughts and Scripture readings inspire you to live the fullest, most complete life possible. That’s what God wants for you, and I believe he will show you how to do that as you learn to focus on him.

Judah Smith ’ve used a lot of real-life examples and a bit of over-the-top humor for two reasons. He need practical and preferably entertaining things to keep focused.

Second, there is nothing more down-to-earth than God and the Bible, which is his revelation of himself to us. Spirituality was meant for the masses, not for an elite few who happen to have the willpower and moral fabric to live extra-holy lives.

If you haven’t read Life Is ______, you might wonder why there is a blank in the title. It’s because I’m not here to tell you answers. I’m not going to give you seven slick steps to success or fourteen fantastic philosophies to draw close to God. Frankly, I’m not smart enough or organized enough for that.

I’m here to point you to a person: Jesus. I’m here to show you that what you know and believe about God can give you the life you long to have.

Not on just an external level—although that could happen too—but where it really matters. In your soul. In your mind, your will, your emotions, and your spiritual walk with God.

At the beginning of each devotional there is a Bible passage listed. You are welcome to read that before jumping into the devotional, or you can read it after you finish. Usually I quote some or all of it in the text.

At the end of each devotional there are several questions. You can use these however works best for you. I’d recommend writing the answers down in a journal, but you could also just answer them mentally. There are no right or wrong answers.

You are amazing, gifted, and unique. I truly believe that. And I’m not the only one—God does too. He has great things in mind for you over the next few days, or weeks, or months, or however long it takes you to read this.

It would probably take me years, so no pressure. The more you walk with God and get to know his love for you, the better life gets.

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