Greater Devotional

Lately, Steven Furtick is meeting with more and more believers who are not satisfied with the kind of Christians they are becoming and the version of the Christian life they are experiencing.

These are not bad people. They are not gangsters and ungodly pagans. If they were, their discontent would make more sense.

The thing is, most believers aren’t in imminent danger of ruining their lives. They’re facing a danger that’s far greater: wasting them. I worry about that risk for myself, and maybe you’re the same way.

Book Greater Devotional by Steven Furtick
Book Greater Devotional by Steven Furtick

We’ve had some big dreams about what God might want for our lives, say Steven Furtick. But so many of us are stuck in the starting blocks. Or are dragging along at the back of the pack. We know we were meant for more. Yet we end up settling for less.

We’re frustrated about where we are. But we’re confused about how to move forward. If this is where you are, the Greater Devotional is for you.

For the next forty days, we’ll learn to spend time with God and His Word to find out how He wants to expand our world. The devotionals are based on some key ideas I talk about in my book Greater.

Much of the material is focus is on the spiritual journey necessary to get from “good enough” to “greater.” We’ll be looking at a lot of events in the life of the prophet Elisha, but we’ll also be mining other rich texts from all over the Bible.

These devotionals are not primarily meant to give you a cozy feeling or make you satisfied because you’ve met a spiritual requirement. They are meant to yank you from the mediocrity you may have grown accustomed to and set you on the course to a greater destiny.

The call to be greater is the call to walk with God Himself. And, in fact, I believe any lasting transformation flows from divine revelation. More can be accomplished in a half hour of prayer, worship, and listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit than in a month of strategizing on our own.

“I can trace my most frustrating seasons to a deficiency of time I allocated to my most important task: seeking the wisdom of the Lord. And, conversely, I can trace the genesis of many of the most important changes in my life, my family, and my church to specific moments I spent in the presence of God.” – Steven Furtick

That’s why he believe you have every reason to expect amazing things to happen as you spend time with God for the next forty days.

Greater Devotional

Day 1: The Muck of Mediocrity
Day 2: Behind the Scenes
Day 3: I Give Up
Day 4: Spiritual Hearing Test
Day 5: Cloudy with a Chance of Revelation
Day 6: Perfect for You
Day 7: The Lifetime of an Opportunity
Day 8: Doing the Details
Day 9: Double Portion
Day 10: Strike the Water
Day 11: Don’t Drown in a Kiddie Pool
Day 12: Ambition and Arrogance
Day 13: Staying Out of Trouble or Walking in Your Calling?
Day 14: Avoiding a 13:13 Moment
Day 15: Shovel-Ready Miracle
Day 16: Shut Up and Get Moving
Day 17: Daydreams and Sweatshops
Day 18: And Then Some
Day 19: Your Exceptional Exception
Day 20: Upon Further Review
Day 21: Think Inside the Box
Day 22: The Compound Effect
Day 23: Stephen the Waiter
Day 24: Obedience and Opportunity
Day 25: Pearls and Seeds
Day 26: Every Step an Arrival
Day 27: Saving Captain Awesomesauce
Day 28: The Gehazi Generation?
Day 29: Flip the Funnel
Day 30: Directionally Impaired
Day 31: An Ounce of Anointing
Day 32: Jesus: WYSIWYG
Day 33: Don’t Become Too Likely
Day 34: Staying Sharp
Day 35: God’s Power, Our Strength
Day 36: Grapes and Giants
Day 37: Put Them Out
Day 38: Finishing the Devil’s Sermons
Day 39: Detours to the Destination
Day 40: Great Calling, Great Cost

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