It’s amazing how much you can glean from quiet moments together, especially when it’s the Lord who is speaking to you!
Good Morning, Lord . . . Can We Talk?
A Year of Scriptural Meditations by Charles R. Swindoll
Let me tell you what prompted me to write this one-year devotional book. I’m a real believer in spending some time every day doing what’s important rather than doing what’s urgent. I’ve made that a priority in my life.
My wife and I have been married since June of 1955. Both of us were young, and neither of us knew much about marriage—or life, for that matter.

But we knew this for sure: we really loved each other, and we couldn’t bear the thought of spending our lives with anyone else for the rest of our years.
Time to listen—really hear each other. And also time to talk—to open up and speak our minds.
We put whatever is urgent on hold as we address only what is important. This has enabled us to cultivate a bond in our relationship that is both meaningful and unbreakable.
You’ll be spending these important moments with the Lord, listening to Him and talking with Him as you seek to develop a relationship with Him that is deep—hopefully deeper than it has ever been before.
I’d like you to think of these brief times with Him as very special yet comfortable, relaxing opportunities for the two of you simply to meet together.
That’s what prompted me to give this book its title, Good Morning, Lord . . . Can We Talk? As you meet and talk, I hope you will take time to listen well.
It’s amazing how much you can glean from quiet moments together, especially when it’s the Lord who is speaking to you!
Let me urge you not to miss one day in the year ahead as you read and think, ponder and pray your way through the book. Do your best to make each meeting with the Lord the defining moment of your day.
Don’t hurry; take your time as you meet quietly with Him, sharing what’s on your heart, and then listen carefully as He responds to you—not just at that moment, but at random times through the rest of your day.
Hopefully, by the end of the year, you and He will have cultivated a bond in your relationship that is both meaningful and unbreakable.
Chuck Swindoll