Dreaming With God book. In every generation, dreamers arise. They think outside of man-made boxes and dare to forge ahead.
Did you know that the stars speak?
They did in Abraham’s day! The Creator of the universe gave a direct and amazing word to one of His friends. He told him to go out and count the number of stars that lit up the sky at night. Imagine, counting the stars at night!

So what did Abraham do? He went out and started counting the stars! I suppose it was something like this. Abraham goes out in the evening air after telling his wife, Sarah, good night and goes on a long walk pondering and peering into the heavens.
He begins in obedience to count the stars while talking to himself and God. “One, two, four, twenty-seven, forty-five, one hundred fifty-five, two thousand sixty-two, ugh, ugh, ugh… Wow, count the stars?! What do you mean, I cannot count the number of stars—they seem so limitless.”
The Lord replied, “Abraham—count the stars.” Perplexed a bit as he attempts to mentally perceive what the man upstairs could mean by this strange command, Abraham continues in his quest to follow the direction of the unseen voice. “Three thousand seven hundred and…oh, I forgot—where was I?”
The voice is heard again, but this time offering some inside explanation. “The number of the stars will be the number of your descendants.” “What, huh? Did you know that Sarah and I have been married for a long time and we don’t have any fruit, let alone.?” But the voice of the Master persisted, “Count the stars. How many are there?”
Yes, the stars spoke to Abraham. Perhaps for a while, the voice of the stars haunted him as he would go out night after night staring into the realm of the impossible. But somewhere along the way, something changed.
Did the circumstances change? No, well, not yet at least. What changed then? Abraham, like the rest of us, went from mentally assessing to heart believing.
Somehow God’s dream seeped into Abraham’s heart. After many trials and tests and errors, Abraham reached a point when he went out at night and he rejoiced when he looked up! “Yes, there’s a promise!
Yes, that one is for me! That star is declaring that God’s Word will come true! In fact, that glimmering light right there is saying to me, the promises of God are ‘Yes and Amen’!”
Yes, the stars do speak.
You know the rest of the story. It is a true-to-life piece of history that has effected us all. You see, God is a dreamer and He is looking for people who will dream His dreams with Him.
In every generation, dreamers arise. They think outside of man-made boxes and dare to forge ahead. But today a new breed of dreamers is arising. They not only talk of things to come—they call it into being in the here and now.
I write that His Church would rise to her potential and change the course of world history. We do not have an inferior message. It is the only one that can be demonstrated through the transformation of a life, family, and city.
Dreaming With God is written in response to the cries of the devoted, but unfulfilled. It is to give true believers permission to dream, knowing that God longs for us to partner with Him in manifesting the divine plan.
Dreaming With God was the title of a chapter in my book, The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind. Don Milam, of Destiny Image Publishing, felt it deserved more attention than I was able give it in one chapter.