Destiny Daily Readings by TD Jakes
Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary were five women who boldly followed their destiny and lived fulfilled and purposeful lives. Each of their daring accounts is told in Scripture, and their stories reveal steps you can take to live your own destiny.
Allow these faithful Destiny chasers to serve as your role models as you journey through life wondering where and how you fit in.
Use their lives as examples of how—through courage, faith, and persistence—you, too, can reach your destiny and live the life you were created to live.

Destiny Daily Readings is a book with reflections, inspired by these five women that the biblical story has been commissioned to highlight.
As you read their stories and glean from the accounts of these five women, remember that not one of them had an easy and pain-free path toward their destiny. In fact, all five of these women had to overcome obstacles and activate faith to reach their destiny.
They are the only five women noted in the genealogy in Matthew that lists forty-two generations that led to the birth of Christ.
While we know it took both a man and a woman to make each child in the ancestry of Jesus, Bible writers include only the names of these few women among the forty-two men named.
What made them stand out? What were their stories? How did their actions contribute to their destiny—to play their part in bringing about God’s plan to redeem the world?
Read the daily insights we learn from the five women of the Bible in this book along with my book Destiny: Step into Purpose to fully recognize how to live your destiny and enjoy a fulfilling life.
Are you ready to meet your destiny? Are you ready to activate your faith and set out on the path God designed just for you? Are you ready to live on purpose like these women in the lineage of Jesus? Come along for the journey, and prepare to meet your destiny. You can change the world.