Closer To God Each Day

Closer To God Each Day, 365 Devotions for Everyday Living, by Joyce Meyer. One of the things that should encourage us most in our Christian life is to know that God wants to have a close relationship with each of his children.

From the very first chapters in the Garden of Eden to the last pages of Revelation, we see God reaching out to His people in order that we might live in intimate fellowship with Him.

Too many people today think of God as distant, uncaring, and out-of-reach. At best, they assume He is uninterested in them; at worst, they fear He is angry with them. But this isn’t the God we see in Scripture.

Closer To God Each Day - Joyce Meyer
Closer To God Each Day – Joyce Meyer

The Bible shows us that God is present in our circumstances. God spoke to Moses. He strengthened David. He provided for Ruth. He chose Mary. He walked with the disciples. He wept over Jerusalem. He forgave the thief on the cross. He gave Peter a second chance. He sent the Holy Spirit.

God isn’t removed from your daily life. He sees what you’re going through, and He wants to help you every step of the way.

And this is why Joyce Meyer wrote this daily devotional “Closer To God Each Day”.

The Bible teaches us that the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit Who has been given to us. That simply means that when the Lord, in the person of the Holy Spirit, comes to dwell in our heart because of our faith in His Son Jesus Christ, He brings love with Him, because God is love (1 John 4:8).

God’s plan is this: for us to receive His love, love ourselves in a godly way, generously love Him in return, and then love all the people who come into our lives.

These devotionals have been thought to encourage and strengthen each person, through the truths, promises and writings that are cited on each page.

No matter what situation you are facing, you will be reminded that God loves you, He has a great plan for your life, and He is closer than you think.

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