WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHAT BILLY GRAHAM THINKS about his life, his work, and his family? What about politics, presidents, terrorism? This book contains answers to questions many of us would ask Billy Graham.
Ask Billy Graham, Compiled by Bill Adler
WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW WHAT BILLY GRAHAM THINKS about his life, his work, and his family? What about politics, presidents, terrorism?
This book contains answers to questions many of us would ask Billy Graham if we had the good fortune to sit down with the person who many call “America’s pastor”

Taken from his sermons, speeches, interviews, television appearances, and writings, Graham’s personal thoughts on family, politics, evangelism, and his relationship with U.S. presidents are captured in an easy-to-follow, question-and-answer format.
In Ask Billy Graham, this world-famous preacher tackles tough issues such as matters of faith, marriage, drug use, and our relationship with God. Some of his responses are to direct inquiries from reporters, interviewers, and his audience.
Others are in reply to rhetorical questions Graham posed to himself in sermons. Still others are answers to age-old questions such as “What will heaven be like?” or “Why does God send natural disasters?” In this book, Graham covers it all.
Also included are special sections such as “A List of Crusades and Missions” and “A Partial List of Awards and Honors.” Why a partial list of awards? Billy Graham has received so many accolades in his life that nobody is certain that the list is complete!
Billy Graham was born William Franklin Graham Jr. on November 7, 1918, near Charlotte, North Carolina.
Billy Graham grew up during the time of tent revival meetings and traveling evangelists. One of those who toured the South was evangelist Mordecai Ham, who came to Charlotte in 1934.
One night, mainly out of curiosity, Graham attended one of Ham’s meetings and was so moved by the sermon that he committed himself to Christ. He knew then that he wanted to live a Christian life and help others do the same.