Do you remember the vows, pledges, and professions you made on your wedding day? If not, find them and reread them. It will be a great time of renewal. After You Say I Do is a meditations for every couple by H. Norman Wright
“After You Say I Do” Devotional, by H. Norman Wright
What is your favorite part of a wedding ceremony? Is it the processional? The giving of the bride? The reading of the Scriptures? Saying the “I do’s”? The exchange of vows? The pronouncement of “husband and wife”? Is it when the bride and groom kiss? What about the ring exchange?

This ring I give you, as a symbol and pledge of my constant and abiding love.
symbol: Something representing something else by association, especially a material object representing something abstract.
pledge: A solemn promise to do or not do something.
Every part of the wedding ceremony has a purpose. The ring exchange tangibly symbolizes the vows we make. The next day, the rings provide the only visible evidence that a wedding ever took place.
The rings say to the watching world that each person has taken a vow, that a pledge has been made:
Some people use rings for decoration. Some use rings to communicate status. Others to show wealth. Wedding rings speak of commitment.
When a husband or wife wears a wedding ring, he or she tells the world, “I am committed to a person. I have given my life to this person. This person has pledged to love, honor, and cherish me for the rest of our lives together.
This person has taken a vow to be faithful, and I, in return, have also vowed to be loving and faithful. This ring is a symbol of love and affection given and received.”
Do you remember the vows, pledges, and professions you made on your wedding day? If not, find them and reread them. It will be a great time of renewal.
This and other reflexions you can find in “After You Say I Do” Devotional.
Vows and Rings
50/50 or 100/100?
Words Can Change Your Life!
Accountability—Does It Work?
Encouragement Is a Four-Eyed Fish
An Alarm System
The Phantom of Your Marriage (Not the Opera)
What Did You Cost?
Thanking God for Jesus
The Building of Trust
The Heart of Trust
Love Is…
The Silent Marriage
What Do You Remember About Your Parents?
What’s Working in Your Marriage?
What’s Your View of God?
Pray As a Couple
The Friendship of Marriage
Nicknames from the Past
Someone Is Watching You
Watch the Tongue
Marriage Thoughts
And more . .