You will find 365 prayers, arranged by days and topics. You can pray through each day of the year consecutively if you wish.
365 Pocket Prayers for Women
Guidance and Wisdom for Each New Day
Prayer is simply talking with God. As women of faith, we can come to him anytime, approach him anywhere, and pray about anything. God loves our honest, heartfelt prayers, and he cares deeply for the details of our lives. As we come before him with praise or petition, we demonstrate that we trust him and long to draw near to him.

Perhaps your faith is relatively new and you’re not yet comfortable praying. This book is for you. The prayers we’ve developed can be claimed as your own conversations with God. As you pray through each topic and day, we hope you will become more comfortable talking with God and will even begin to form your own prayers to him.
Perhaps you’ve been a believer for years but need a little inspiration in your prayer life. This book is for you, too.
We all have times when we repeat the same prayers over and over. By including a year’s worth of unique prayers that cover a broad range of topics, this book will help rejuvenate your dialogue with God.
Thank God that we don’t have to be spiritually mature or “on fire” to have a meaningful prayer life! Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, God is delighted when you draw near to him. We hope this little book will help you do so.
You will find 365 prayers, arranged by days and topics. You can pray through each day of the year consecutively if you wish. Alternatively, look in the index for a topic that will help you pray through an urgent need or give words to something you may be experiencing.
Every few days you will also find prayers called Prayerful Moments. These are shorter prayers for days when time is limited or for when you need a quick word with God.
As you enter into a new prayer, take it slow. Spend some time thinking about what you’re saying to God, and try to personalize each prayer for your own life. Making each written prayer your own honest praise or petition will make it more meaningful.
In your conversations with God, take some time to listen. Reading God’s Word as a part of your prayer time gives the Lord an opportunity to speak to you, too. You won’t want to miss what he has to say!
We’ve included a Scripture verse at the end of each prayer to help you ponder what God might be communicating to you.
Thank you for joining us on this quest for a deeper prayer life. It is our hope that by the end of this book, you will be inspired in your conversations with God and— most important—feel closer to him than ever before.
It is often in these special times of prayer that God does his powerful work in our hearts. So don’t give up; stick with it. As his Word says to us, “Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it
most” (Hebrews 4:16).
The privilege of prayer is that it ushers us straight into the presence of our loving God. And Scripture promises us that he won’t disappoint! With that in mind, it’s time to begin.