Prayer to Make God your Unbreakable Trust | Daily Prayer
Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him. –Hebrews 10:38
My Prayer for Today
Father, I know that Your Word is truth. It has authority over and above every circumstance and situation that I face.
To not have confidence in Your Word is like declaring that my situation is more powerful than You are. I won’t do that.
I will not shrink back from what You have promised. I stand fast in the integrity of my God. With You, all things are possible.
My heart’s desire is to put a smile on Your face by believing and receiving in spite of what my eyes can see or what the circumstances are showing.
My Confession for Today
If I look to the circumstance and give up on my faith in the promise, there is no obligation for it to be fulfilled in my life.
Faith is the avenue that God has chosen to bring forth His blessings into the earth.
I know that if I refuse to walk by faith, the promise will remain dormant no matter how much I believe in it.
Therefore, today I make my commitment to speak God’s Word with power, patience and unwavering persistence.
I hold forth His Word as the final authority and dispel every doubtful thought that would turn me from the truth.