365 Days of Faith

You are about to embark on a faith journey that will change your life forever. Understanding and practicing the processes of faith can have a greater impact on your life than any endeavor you choose to undertake.

You are about to embark on a faith journey that will change your life forever. As a student of faith for decades, I have studied its processes, followed the contemporary science of it, practiced the precepts, and have been astounded at its absolute significance in all that we think and do.

365 Days of Faith
365 Days of Faith

Understanding and practicing the processes of faith can have a greater impact on your life than any endeavor you choose to undertake. That impact is significant, so you must know what faith is.

The average dictionary would give us a relatively simple answer to describe faith, but the way the Bible defines it is quite different. Look at what Hebrews 11:1 says: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

If you quote that to a true seeker of knowledge, or a deep-thinking critic, they might respond with something like, “Okay, so it is a substance, and an evidence, but what is it made of?” That’s all we know from this verse—faith is substance and evidence—but, we still don’t know what faith’s ingredients are.

A dictionary definition might say that faith is basically belief, but is that truly what Bible faith is? The apostle James warns us that even the devil believes. (James 2:19.) Does that mean that the devil has faith?

If belief and faith are synonymous, then is it the same thing to believe in God and to have faith in God? Consider this: if someone came to you and said, “I believe in God,” would they think diff erently if you replied with, “Yes, but do you have faith in God?” The fact is, if we tell someone that faith is belief, or even trust, we are only expressing a half-truth.

It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak. 2 Corinthians 4:13 NIV

The apostle Paul says here that Bible faith is speaking what you believe. That is true, but the Word also says that to establish something, two or three credible witnesses are needed. (2 Corinthians 13:1.)

Living by these principles has changed life immensely. I know that no matter what I face, faith is our victory. Instead of getting up and worrying about my day, I now make my declaration, “Get ready world. I’m about to show you something extraordinary!” That’s the attitude I want this book to birth in you.

Know that you are a believer, a faith warrior, a partner with God, and the devil’s worst nightmare.You are built for faith. Honor God by being the person you are created to be. It

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