Your Partner is a Gift

Marriage is a gift. You may be the finest gift your partner has ever received! Your partner may be the finest gift you have received.

Your Partner Is a Gift

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1:17

Marriage is a gift. You may be the finest gift your partner has ever received! Your partner may be the finest gift you have received.

A gift is an item that is selected with care and consideration. Its purpose is to bring delight and fulfillment to another, an expression of deep feeling on the part of the giver.

Think of the care and effort you put into selecting a gift. You wonder what the recipient would enjoy.

What will bring him or her delight? What will bring happiness? What will make his or her day bright and cheery?

What will show the person the extent of your feeling for him or her and how much the person means to you?

Because you want this gift to be special and meaningful, you spend time thinking about what gift to select.

Then you begin the search through various stores and shops, considering and rejecting several items until the right one beckons to you and you make the selection. You invest time wrapping the gift.

You think of how best to present it to the person so his or her delight and pleasure will be heightened.

Excitement and a challenge is involved in selecting and presenting a special gift. You not only have given the object, but you also have given your time and energy.

Gifts that are often appreciated the most are not those that are the most expensive, but those that reflect the investment of yourself in considering the desires and wants of the other person.

The way you present it and your sacrifice also make a gift special.

You are a gift to your partner. If you consider yourself a gift, how will you live so your partner believes he or she has been given a special gift?

Will you invest your time, thought and energy in your spouse? Will your partner experience delight, fulfillment and a feeling of being special?

How can you, as a gift, be used in the life of your spouse to lift his or her spirits and outlook on life?

On the receiving end of the gift, how do you react when you receive a special gift that brings you delight?

Think of your childhood years. What was the most exciting or special gift you ever received?

Can you remember your thoughts and feelings as you received that gift? How did you treat that gift? Did you take special care of it and protect it from harm and loss?

Perhaps you gave the gift a special place of prominence and were carefully possessive of it.

If your spouse is a special gift to you, how will you treat this gift? Will you be careful to give your partner the finest care, attention, protection and place of prominence in your life?

Will your partner feel as though he or she really is a gift to you?

A gift is given as an expression of our love. It is not based on whether the recipient deserves it or not.

Our giving of a gift is actually an act of grace.
Why not talk about how you can be a gift to one another?

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