Sex is a quiet look across the room, a love note on a pillow, a rose laid on a breakfast plate, laughter in the night.
Rejoice in Your Sexuality
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
Genesis 2:24,25
Let’s talk about sex—finally. We are sexual beings. God created us this way. It is His idea and His gift to us.
You and your future partner have talked about sex, or you should have by now. But have you talked with God about it in prayer? If not, the following prayer expresses what many couples feel and struggle with today. Perhaps this reflects where you are, too.
Lord, it’s hard to know what sex really is—Is it some demon put here to torment me? Or some delicious seducer from reality? It is neither of these, Lord.
I know what sex is—
It is body and spirit,
It is passion and tenderness,
It is strong embrace and gentle hand-holding, It is open nakedness and hidden mystery, It is joyful tears in honeymoon faces at a golden wedding anniversary.
Sex is a quiet look across the room, a love note on a pillow, a rose laid on a breakfast plate, laughter in the night.
Sex is life—not all of life—but wrapped up in the meaning of life. Sex is your good gift, O God, To enrich life, To continue the race, To communicate, To show me who I am, To reveal my mate, To cleanse through “one flesh.”
Lord, some people say sex and religion don’t mix; But your Word says sex is good. Help me to keep it good in my life. Help me to be open about sex.
And still protect its mystery. Help me to see that sex is neither demon nor deity. Help me not to climb into a fantasy world of imaginary sexual partners; keep me in the real world to love the people you have created.
Teach me that my soul does not have to frown at sex for me to be a Christian. It’s hard for many people to say, “Thank God for sex!” Because for them sex is more a problem than a gift.
They need to know that sex and gospel can be linked together again. They need to hear the good news about sex. Show me how I can help them.
Thank you Lord, for making me a sexual being. Thank you for showing me how to treat others with trust and love.
Thank you for letting me talk to you about sex. Thank you that I feel free to say: “Thank God for sex!”