Let God’s Word Rule Your Marriage

Let The Peace Of Christ Rule In Your Hearts, Since as Members Of One Body You Were Called To Peace. and Be Thankful.

Let God’s Word Rule Your Marriage

Let the peace of christ rule in your hearts, since
as members of one body you were called to peace.

And be thankful. Let the word of christ dwell in
you richly as you teach and admonish one another
with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns
and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts
to god.

And whatever you do, whether in word or
deed, do it all in the name of the lord jesus, giving
thanks to god the father through him. . – Colossians 3:15-17

No one marries wanting to have a marriage filled with hassles, quarrels, fights, upsets and tension. Every person wants a harmonious, loving and peaceful relationship; and it is possible.

Paul talked about it in the opening verses from Colossians. These verses will do wonders for your marriage if you understand and apply them. Think about them.

Let the peace of Christ rule. The peace described here is not just the peace you experience when you have no conflict. It is a sense of wholeness and well-being.

When Christ rules, you feel complete. This phrase could be paraphrased, “Let the peace of Christ be umpire in your heart amidst the conflicts of life. Let Christ’s peace within decide what is right. Let it be your counselor.”

Who or what rules in your life? Perhaps if we allow the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts, the hurtful words we feel like saying in the midst of a conflict would never be said.

The indwelling peace of Christ is indispensable to responding to your partner in a loving way.

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you. How does God’s Word abide in us?

By reading it, studying it and memorizing it.

Angry people have changed because of God’s Word.
Frustrated people have changed because of God’s Word.
Anxious people have changed because of God’s Word.
Obnoxious people have changed because of God’s Word.

God’s Word changes us. When you read it, ask the Holy spirit to make it a part of your life.

The truths of Scripture can counter the false beliefs we have about ourselves, God and other beliefs we were taught or have learned in some way.

Dr. Kenneth Boa writes:
The affirmations of Scripture encourage us to walk by faith, not by feelings, and tell us the way things really are regardless of our emotional, cultural, and theological filters.

Our circumstances may threaten our commitment to the truths that God is in control of our affairs and has our best interest at heart, but Scripture affirms these foundational principles and tells us to cling to them even in the midst of life’s pain.

These affirmations are not a matter of wishful thinking; they are true of every person who places his or her hope in Jesus Christ.

They stress our identity in Christ, tell us that process is more important than product, and challenge us to value relationships more than objectives. They teach us that what we do does not determine who we are; rather, our being should shape our doing.

They reinforce the realistic perspective that we are aliens and pilgrims, not citizens of this world, and tell us to walk in grace and live in the power of the Spirit of God instead of walking in obedience to a set of external rules and living in the power of the flesh.

They counsel us to take the risks of applying biblical precepts and principles and to place our hope in the character and promises of God, and not in the people, possessions, or prestige of this world.
Consider and adapt these ideas into your relationship.

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