When you marry, you will need to take along some resources that will enable you to complete the journey. They need to be resources that will endure as well as provide you with ongoing strength.
A Prayer for Your Marriage
If i give all i possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, i gain nothing. – 1 Corinthians 13:3
When you marry, you will need to take along some resources that will enable you to complete the journey. They need to be resources that will endure as well as provide you with ongoing strength.
The following passage and prayer will be a helpful resource. After you have read the passage, refer to each section and talk about what each phrase means to you and how you will practice it in your relationship.
Lord, we believe that You ordained marriage and
that You also sustain it.
Help us to exercise faith.
Faith that You answer prayer
and heal wounded hearts.
Faith that You forgive and restore.
Faith that Your hand of love
will clasp our hands together.
Faith that You build bridges of reconciliation.
Faith that all things will work for good
to those who love You.
Help us to hold on to hope.
Hope that enables us to endure
times of trial and testing.
Hope that fixes our gaze on possibilities
rather than problems.
Hope that focuses on the road ahead
instead of detours already passed.
Hope that instills trust, even in the midst
of failure.
Hope that harbors happiness.
Help us to lift up love.
Love that doesn’t falter or faint
in the winds of adversity.
Love that is determined to grow and bear fruit.
Love that is slow to anger and quick to praise.
Love that looks for ways of saying,
“I care for you.”
Love that remains steady during shaky days.
Lord, may Your gifts of faith, hope and love find plenty of living room in our hearts.
Thank You that these three abide—and the greatest is love. Make our home an outpost for Your kingdom and an oasis for wandering pilgrims. In the name of Jesus who blessed the marriage at Cana with a miracle. Amen.