The Bible frequently mentions wings, especially in the book of Psalms, where the quotes have a beautiful poetic content (Ps. 17:8; 18:10; 55:6; 68:13).

The wings of the eagle are the symbol of strength (Is. 40:31), and the protection that Jehovah gives to his people is compared to that which the eagle gives to its chicks to defend them from dangers (Ps. 17:8 ; 36:7; 57:1).

The cherubim of the ark had wings (Ex. 8:6-7; 1 Chron. 28:18). The seraphim that Isaiah saw (Is. 6:2) in his vision had six wings: with two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with the other two they flew.

These mysterious beings worshiped God and cried out loudly for his glory and majesty. When Jesus wept over Jerusalem because of the fate that awaited its inhabitants in the future events related to its destruction, he compares the protection that He wanted to give them, with the shelter that the hen provides to her chicks when they are in danger (Mt. 23:37; Luke 13:34).

In the Apocalypse, the woman who represents God’s people receives “two wings of the great eagle” so that she can flee from the serpent who embodies the Devil (Rev. 12:14).

God provides his people with protection in the shadow of his wings and offers them the means to escape the mortal danger of the wiles of the evil one; These are some of the meanings of wings in the Bible.

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