In the Bible, riches are a blessing, and a good entrusted by God to man (Deut. 19:18; 1 5. 2:17; 1 Chron. 29:12; Eccl. 5:19); Abraham was “very rich” (Gen. 13:2); However, man is considered as administrator, not owner of them.
In this way the Lord, as owner of everything (cf. Ps. 24:1) gives instructions to those who have to give liberally to those in need (Deut. 15:7-11; cf. Deut. 15:1-6 ; 15:12-18).
The Scriptures denounce the danger of the perverse human heart of trusting in riches instead of trusting in God (Jer. 9:23-24). The possessor of wealth can become arrogant about it (Prov. 18:23; 28:11), to the point that the Lord Jesus points out the difficulty of the salvation of the rich (Mt. 19:23, 24; Mark 10:25 ; Luke 18:25; cf. 18:18-23).
He denounces the immense danger of falling into the slavery of riches (Mt. 6:24; cf. Eccl. 4: 8; 5:12). Referring to wealthy believers, the apostle Paul instructs Timothy: “Command those who are rich in this world not to be haughty, nor to put their hope in riches, which are uncertain, but in the living God…
“Let them do good, be rich in good works, generous, generous…” (1 Tim. 6:18, 19). The Lord Jesus is set as an example: “You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that for your sakes he became poor even though he was rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).
The possession of wealth is not condemned at all, but the misuse of it is condemned, like any other gift that the Lord has given to the believer. The bad acquisition of it, through covetousness, is also condemned (Prov. 28:22); deception (Jer. 5:27); plunder (Mi. 6:12); oppression (James 2:6); non-payment of due wages (James 5:1-4), along with violent domination of society (James 5:5-6).
On a transcendental level, God makes the believer share in his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19). In Christ, God has made known to us the riches of His grace (Eph. 1:7), of His kindness (Rom. 2:4), of His glory (Rom. 9:23), of His wisdom and knowledge ( Rom. 11:33), and of full understanding (Col. 2:2).
The professing church, sold to the world and puffed up by its pretended achievements, power and riches, is denounced by the Lord Jesus as absolutely miserable, walking in total misfortune, poverty, blindness and nakedness.
These terrible shortcomings can only be supplied by the riches of Christ, and his provision (Rev. 3: 14-18). In this passage the Lord, who counsels the recognition of this need and the acceptance of the gift He offers, makes a moving call to repent, “that you may be rich” (Rev. 3:19-22).
This Savior who wants to enrich those who trust in Him with true riches (cf. Mt. 6:19-21) is “worthy to take… the riches…” (Rev. 5:12).