A claim of frequent literal application under the law, in the NT it becomes a term that generally has a moral meaning and application. Important lessons can be learned by examining the different meanings of Gr. terms. used for “washing” in Jn. 13.
The term used in verse 10 is “louõ”, “to cleanse, to wash thoroughly.” One who has been cleansed in this sense never needs to be cleansed in this way again; as the Lord says, “he is completely clean,” although, in order to have part with Christ, he needs, due to the pollution acquired along the way, to have his feet washed (where the term is “niptõ”, Jn. 13 :5-14), this action applied only to parts of the body.
This same difference is typified in the purification of Aaron and his sons. After being consecrated they were washed once by Moses, but from then on they were continually required, when performing their service, to wash only their hands and feet in the fountain (Ex. 40:12, 30-32).