Date: Probably written in the year 65, after Paul’s first captivity in Rome and his release.
Subject of this letter: instructions analogous to those of the first epistle to Timothy, of a personal nature, regarding the problems of the church in Crete.
(a) Address, greetings, allusion to the greatness of the apostolate (Tit. 1:1-4).
(b) Instructions regarding the election of bishops (also called elders or “presbyters”; see ELDERS, BISHOPS). Conduct to follow regarding false doctors (Tit. 1:5-16).
(c) Teachings that Titus was to give to different classes of people (Tit. 2).
(d) Duties of Christians towards authorities and society (Tit. 3:1-8).
(e) Guard against false doctrines (Tit. 3:9-11).
(f) Latest recommendations. Blessing (Tit. 3:12-15).
Central thought: Those who call themselves Christians have to demonstrate the reality of their faith with good works (Tit. 2:10-14).
This letter is part of the so-called Pastoral Epistles.