Tenth of a person’s income; It is dedicated to sacred uses.
Several ancient nations practiced it, and it was known to the Old Testament patriarchs (Gen. 14:28; 28:10-22).
The Mosaic law established it over the fruits of the land and livestock (Lev. 27:30-33; Num. 18:27).
It was given in its entirety to the Levites, for their support and worship (Num. 18:21-32; Deut. 12:17-19, 22, 29; 14:22). This practice sometimes declined, meriting admonitions (2 Chr. 31:4-12; Mal. 3:7-11), which were usually heard and obeyed (2 Chr. 31:11).
The payment of tithes continued in the time of Christ (Lk. 11:42; 18:12; Heb. 7:5), but it was not prescribed to Christians either by Christ or by the apostles.
Under the economy of grace, every believer is expected to give with a willing heart “as he purposed in his heart: not with sadness, nor out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7) .
The believer is exhorted to give not by an imposed standard, but by presenting him with the example of grace of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, “who for your sakes became poor, although he was rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).
It is not the Christian’s tithe that belongs to the Lord, but his entire being, since he has been bought “with a price” (1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23), and must thus become an effective administrator of everything. that the Lord has placed in your hands for the glory of God.