The expression of gratitude to God for His benefits given; in the OT sacrifices were offered in thanksgiving (Lev. 7:12, 13; 22:29, etc.).

In the thanksgiving offering, which was a peace sacrifice, the question of sin was not contemplated; The worshiper thanked God for the blessings bestowed upon him; It was not to achieve peace, but, at peace with God, he offered sacrifice to Him in joy and gratitude. (See SACRIFICE.)

In the NT the call to thanksgiving in everything is accentuated (Eph. 5:4, 20; cp. Rom. 8:28); the same requests must be made with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6), conscious of “what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2), and accepting God’s action to teach us live looking beyond circumstances, resting in Him (Phil. 4:12).

Thanksgiving is based on the knowledge of God’s acceptance of those who come to Him through Jesus Christ, through His finished work on the cross; and by the manifold grace of God that flows freely based on this reconciliation effected by the Lord Jesus Christ.

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