(A) Male child; direct descendant (Gen. 27 1).
(B) More distant male descendant e.g. Jehu, called son of Nimshi, was actually his grandson.

Jehu’s father was the son of one named Jehoshaphat (2 Kings 9:20; cp. 2 Kings 9:2). Centuries after Jacob’s death, the Israelites continue to call themselves the children of Israel (Mal. 3:6; Luke 1:16). The Lord Jesus himself is called the son of David and the son of Abraham (Mt. 1:1)

(C) Adopted person (Ex. 2:10 cf. Est. 2:7), or recognized member of a tribe by adoption or marriage (Gen. 17:9-14)

(D) Kind formula used by an elder addressing a young friend (1 Sam. 3:6, 16; 4:16; 2 Sam. 18:22; cf. Josh. 7:19)

(E) Member of an association: “son of a perfumer” (Neh. 3.8), “the sons of singers” (Neh. 12:28); the sons of the prophets (2 Kings 2:3, 5; cf. Am. 7:14). Worshiper of a pagan deity: son of Chemosh (Num. 21:29).

(F) Inhabitant of a city, of a country:
children of Zion (Lm. 4:2);
children of Bethlehem (Ezra 2:21);
sons of Javan (Gen. 10:4).

(G) Person who presents characteristic features:
sons of Belial (of unworthiness) (1 Sam. 25:17);
sons of strength (heroes) (1 Sam. 14:52);
children of peace (Luke 10:6).

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