Deemed unclean by the law of Moses (Lev. 11:7; Deut. 14:8). Omnivorous animal, it consumes any garbage and manure. In hot climates, pork is said to cause skin diseases.

The Jews considered pork to be an abomination. This animal symbolized impurity and villainy to them (Prov. 11:22; Mt. 7:6; 2 Pet. 2:22). Keeping pigs was in the eyes of the Jews the most contemptible occupation (Lk. 15:15).

The apostate Israelites ate pork during their idolatrous festivals (Is. 65:4; 66:17). Antiochus Epiphanes ordered the Jews to offer pigs as sacrifices and eat their meat.

In this way he wanted to discover who were the faithful Jews and those who were indifferent, willing to accept the religion of the conquerors (1 Mac. 1:47, 50; 2 Mac. 6:18, 21; 7: 1, 7). Many Jews dedicated themselves to following Greek customs and, later, John Hyrcanus had to prohibit the raising of pigs.

Christ found, in the country of Gadara, a large herd of pigs grazing (Mark 5:11-13). We have no reason to suppose that the owners of these
Many were Jewish, since there were Greek colonies in this region; The prodigal son was keeping pigs in a far country (Lk. 15:13).

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