There is no evidence that the ancient Hebrews used special signs to represent figures, because they are written in letters in the Hebrew text. of the Scriptures, in the Siloam inscription and in the Mesa Stele.

For this reason, already in the time of the Maccabees, the Israelites began to use the letters of the alphabet to designate numbers: “alef” for 1, “bet” for 2, etc.

In the Elephantine papyri the figures are given with signs (dating especially to the 5th century BC). Nabataean inscriptions from the 1st century generally give numbers in whole words, but sometimes they are represented in vertical lines (for lower units).

The 5 is similar to the current Arabic number, although without the horizontal bar. The Aramaic inscriptions from Palmyra, from the same period, also present signs. In Nineveh, in the 8th century BC, Aramaic merchants used lion-shaped weights in which vertical lines indicated the units, and a horizontal line indicated the ten. In even more remote times, the Assyrians and Babylonians indicated numbers using cuneiform signs.

(a) Symbolic numbers.
It is clear that numbers are used in the Scriptures in a symbolic sense. By comparing the cases in which a number is used, the idea hidden behind the number can be deduced. The meaning of some of the numbers is too obvious for error; In others there is not so much certainty. Only a few references are given for each number.
ONE Supremacy, exclusivity:

One Jehovah (Deut. 6:4; Is. 42:8; Zech. 14:9).
One God and Father (1 Cor. 8:6; Gal. 3:20; Mr. 12:29; Eph. 4:6; 1 Tim. 2:5).
There is but one God, and one Lord, Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 8:4, 6; Eph. 4:5).
A Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:11, 13).

A mediator (1 Tim. 2:5).
One body (1 Cor. 12:12, 13; Eph. 4:4).
One hope, one faith, one baptism (Eph. 4:4, 5).
An offering that has perfected those who are sanctified forever (Heb. 10:14).

TWO Distinctiveness, and therefore an adequate testimony, and communion in case of agreement. Two witnesses are required for testimony (Deut. 19:15; 2 Cor. 13:1).
Caleb and Joshua bore witness to the land (Num. 14:6-9).
There were two spies sent to the other side of the Jordan (Josh. 2:1).

Two olive trees typify the two witnesses (Zech. 4:3; Rev. 11:3, 4).
God’s word and his oath show the immutability of his counsel (Heb. 6:17, 18).
Two must agree when asking (Mt. 18:19).
Two or three can gather together in the name of Christ (Mt. 18:20).

THREE Divine plenitude and, therefore, perfection in testimony.
God: Father, Son and Spirit. This fullness pleased to dwell in the Son of his love (Col. 1:19).
Three times the voice came from heaven regarding the Lord Jesus (Mt. 3:17; 17:5; Jn. 12:28).
The Lord Jesus is Prophet, Priest and King.

There are three who bear witness, the Spirit, the water and the blood (1 Jn. 5:7, 8).
The Scriptures, composed of the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms, bear witness to Christ (Lk. 24:44).
The elements of the Christian life in this scene are faith, hope and love.

A threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eccl. 4:12), and corresponds to perfection in testimony;
three is also an expression of an experience brought to perfection (Luke 13:32; Gen. 22:4; Acts 9:9).

FOUR The integrity of that which has been created or established by God.
Four winds from the four points of heaven (Jer. 49:36).
The four corners of the earth (Rev. 20:8).

In the arrangement of the camp of Israel there were four flags (Num. 10:14-25).
Ezekiel saw four living creatures, and each of them had four faces, four wings, and four hands (Ez. 1:5-8; cf. the four living creatures in Rev. 4:6).

FIVE Human weakness in the recognition of his obligation.
At the dedication of the tabernacle, each prince offered as a peace offering two oxen, five rams, five goats, and five lambs (Num. 7:17-83).
Weakness in contrast to the power of the enemy: five would pursue a hundred (Lev. 26:8).

The disciples could only present five barley loaves and two small fish when there were five thousand to feed (John 6:9).
Paul said that he would rather speak five words to teach others than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue (1 Cor. 14:19).
In the parable of the virgins there were five wise women and five foolish women (Mt. 25:2).

SIX Lack, imperfection (one unit less than the perfect number of seven).
Solomon had six steps ascending to his great throne (1 Kings 10:19); he was not high enough to preserve it from idolatry. Six hundred and sixty-six talents of gold was what he received each year (1 Kings 10:14), and yet he had to confess that it was all vanity and affliction of spirit.

The Jews in Cana had six jars of water for purification (John 2:6), but they expressed the insufficiency of the ordinances to supply man’s needs.
The number of the imperial beast will be six hundred and sixty-six (Rev. 13:18), imperfection in all respects.

SEVEN Spiritual integrity, generally in the good, but occasionally in the negative. It is the sum of three and four, and the highest indivisible number within the ten.
Seven days in a week, each day being the seventh for rest, each year being the seventh for rest of the land, and each seven times seven years introducing the jubilee.
Creation was completed by the seventh day, introducing God’s rest.

There were seven lamps on the golden lampstand (Num. 8:2; cf. Zech. 4:2).
The blood was sprinkled before the Lord seven times (Lev. 4:6, 17; 8:11).

The Christian is exhorted to keep the seven-day feast after the Passover, which makes it a perpetual feast for him (1 Cor. 5:7, 8).
John speaks of the seven Spirits before the throne of God (Rev. 1:4).
There are seven abominations in the heart of man (Prov. 26:25).

The first beast has seven heads and ten horns (Rev. 13:1).
In Revelation the number “seven” appears frequently; It is found there more than seven times seven.
Forgiveness has to be granted “seventy times seven” (Mt. 18:22).

EIGHT A new beginning will bring from the order of creation, although related to it, in resurrection.
Circumcision was on the eighth day, when a new communion was entered.

There were eight souls saved in the ark, to begin a new world (1 Pet. 3:20; 2 Pet. 2:5).
The new form of the future Roman empire will be the eighth (Rev. 17:11).

The day of resurrection may be called the eighth, that which follows the seventh, the Jewish Sabbath.

TEN Complete basis of human responsibility.
Pharaoh was visited by ten plagues (Ex. 7-12).
The Ten Commandments (Ex. 34:28).

Abraham gave a tithe of the spoils to Melchizedek (Gen. 14:20).
The Israelites gave a tenth to the Levites, and they gave a tenth to the priests (Num. 18:21, 26).
Ten virgins went to find the bridegroom (Mt. 25).

There were ten servants to whom the mines were entrusted (Luke 19:13).
In the last phase of the Roman empire there will be ten kings (Rev. 17:12, 16).

TWELVE Administrative integrity, that is, in what is established or exhibited for man. (The most divisible of the first numbers.).
There were twelve patriarchs,
ancestors of the twelve tribes,

which were commemorated in the twelve loaves of shewbread,
in the twelve stones in the breastplate and
in the twelve names on the shoulders of the high priest;
in the twelve stones taken from the Jordan, and
in the other twelve placed on the river bed;

also in the woman with the crown with the twelve stars (Rev. 12:1).
Through the twelve apostles, the Lord fed hungry multitudes.

The twelve apostles will sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes (Mt. 19:28).
The new Jerusalem will have twelve foundations for its walls with the names of the twelve apostles;
It will have twelve gates made of twelve pearls, with the names of the twelve tribes inscribed on them, the twelve gates being guarded by twelve angels (Rev. 21:12-21).

The day has twelve hours, in which the children of light can walk (John 11:9). The flexibility of administrative perfection can be seen in:
Six-two: Two apostles in each of the six companies sent to preach.
Two-six: Six loaves in each of the two rows of showbread.

Three-four: Four rows of three names on the pectoral.
Four-three: Three gates on each of the four sides of the new Jerusalem.

FORTY (10 x 4). Complete test bringing to light good or evil.
Moses spent forty years in the desert, being himself tested;
He was on the mountain for two periods of forty days, which were times of trial for the Israelites (Ex. 24:18; 34:28).
The spies spent forty days exploring the land (Num. 13:25).

The tribes were tested for forty years in the wilderness (Acts 13:18).
Goliath challenged Israel for forty days (1 Sam. 17:16).

Saul, David, Solomon and Joash were tested in their respective reigns of forty years.
Elijah’s time of trial at Horeb was forty days.

Nineveh was given forty days to repent (Jon. 3:4).
The Lord Jesus was tempted forty days (Mark 1:13).

He appeared to his disciples for forty days after his resurrection (Acts 1:3).

SEVENTY (7 x 10) Fullness and totality.
Seventy members of Jacob’s family are mentioned (Gen. 46:27).
Seventy elders of Israel (Ex. 24:1).
Exile of seventy years (Jer. 25:11).

The sending of the seventy disciples (Luke 10:1).
Forgiveness given seventy times seven (Mt. 18:21).

Other analogous examples could be given. Although numbers have spiritual value, it is necessary to have balance so as not to fall into exaggerations about their symbolism. There are those who have dedicated themselves to making strange calculations about the 318 servants of Abraham (Gen. 14:14) and about the 153 fish of the last miraculous catch (Jn. 21:11), to name only these two cases.

(b) The number of the Beast: Six hundred and sixty-six.
The Greeks and Romans, as well as the late Hebrews, used the letters of the alphabet as numerical signs (see ALPHABET). The addition of these signs can give a certain total, and as an example, an inscription has been found that says: “The one I love has the number 545.”

This method, applied to 666, has made it possible to present names such as Nero, Muhammad, the Pope, Luther, Napoleon, Hitler, etc. This shows that this type of calculation is not valid.

There is, however, an ominous premonition with the advent of the computer and electronic money transfer. There is a code designed for universal application, and which can be tattooed, which consists of three groups of six digits.

A world dictator who could gain control of this system would have everyone at its mercy, by manipulating the possibility of access to the computerized system (cf. Rev. 13: 16-18). It seems that the future is already beginning to take shape before our eyes.

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