priestly city (1 Sam. 22:19) in Benjamin (Neh. 11:32); to the north and undoubtedly within sight of Jerusalem (Is. 10:32).
When the enemies took possession of the ark, the Israelites set up the tabernacle in Nob, where it remained for a time. The high priest Ahimelech also resided there.
Unaware that Saul was pursuing David, he allowed David and his men to eat the shewbread, and then gave David Goliath’s sword.
An Edomite informed Saul (see DOEG), who summoned the priests, ordered his death, also putting all the inhabitants of Nob to the sword. Abiathar, son of the high priest, escaped and took refuge under the protection of David (1 Sam. 21:22).
After the exile, the city was inhabited again (Neh. 11:32). Its exact location is unknown, although its location on Mount Scopus, in Rãs Umm et-Tala, has been proposed.