The professional capacity of Egyptian doctors was already known from ancient times:
Cyrus of Persia sent for an oculist from Egypt;
Darius had Egyptian doctors in Susa (Herodotus 3:1, 129).
There were specialists for all diseases (2:84), embalmers (Gen. 50:2) and those who treated diseases of the eyes and feet (Herodotus 3:1, 29), there were also midwives (Ex 1: 15) and remedies were used (Jer. 46:11).
Doctors’ fees depended on the social status of the patient, as already seen in the code of Hammurabi. A fortune could be left in his hands (Mark 5:26; Luke 8:43).
The surgeons used bronze lancets; They even performed cataract operations. The most renowned Greek doctors were those from Croton; those from Cyrene (in Africa) were also well known (Herodotus 3:131).
The Bible mentions the art of healing and preparing medicines (2 Chron. 16:12; Jer. 8:22; Mt. 9:12; Mark 5:26; Ex. 30:35; Neh. 3:8; Eccl. 10:1; cf. Wars 2:8, 6; Eclos, 38:1-38). Were used:
bandages (Isa. 1:6),
pure oil or mixed with wine,
anointings with oil (Is. 1:6; Luke 10:34; Jas. 5:14; Wars 1:33, 5),
poultices (2 Kings 20:7; Jer. 8:22),
leaves (Ez. 47:12; Wars 2:8, 6),
wine (1 Tim. 5:23; Eclos. 38:4).
Luke is called “the beloved physician” (Col. 4:14). On the other hand, King Asa is reproached for “in his illness he did not look to Jehovah, but to the doctors” (2 Chron. 16:21). The text does not say whether these doctors were Israelites or foreigners.
In any case, the truth is that in ancient times much of the so-called “medicine” was related to magical practices; Frequently they resorted to incantations, to amulets, as in our days there are those who throw themselves into the pendulum, and to the occult, or to the healer sorcerer.
Relying on these types of practices instead of trusting in divine intervention was a sin of Asa (cf. a similar attitude of Ahakiah, 2 Kings 1:2-4). It would also be a mistake for a Christian to put more trust in a doctor than in God, on whom his life ultimately depends.
But if the sick person seeks in submission the will and help of the Lord, there is nothing that goes against seeking natural remedies or remedies researched by man to cure his ailments or mitigate them.