The ancients, when faced with uncertainty, used to cast lots to determine an answer (Est. 3:7; Jon. 1:7; Mt. 27:35).

Stones, or engraved tablets, or similar objects were placed in a container, which was then moved, before the objects were removed or thrown out.

First a prayer was offered, asking God to reveal his will (Acts 1: 23-26; cf. Iliad 3: 316, 325; 7: 174-181).

At the beginning of the history of the Jewish people, God was pleased to manifest himself in this way. There is in the Scriptures the important statement: “The lot is cast into the lap; but her decision is the Lord’s” (Prov. 16:33).

The use of lots was ordained by God for the partition of Canaan among the twelve tribes (Num. 26:56; Josh. 14:2; 18:6). (See CANAAN.)
Saul discovered by casting lots what Jonathan had done (1 Sam. 14:40-45).

The distribution of the priests, etc., was done by lot (1 Chron. 24:5). The apostles cast lots to determine whether Joseph (nicknamed “the Just”) should succeed Judas Iscariot, or whether it should be Matthias (Acts 1:15-26). When the apostles received the Holy Spirit, they stopped using this method.

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