(a) Ninth son of Issachar and fifth son of Leah. No biographical information is given about him, except that he had four sons, who became princes of the tribe.

In Jacob’s blessing to his sons of Issachar he said: “A strong donkey that lies down between the sheepfolds; and he saw that the rest was good and that the land was pleasant; and he lowered his shoulder to carry, and served as a tribute” (Gen. 49:14, 15).

In the blessing of Moses, Zebulun and Issachar are mentioned together, and their destiny towards commercial activity is also pointed out, in the latter case already under millennial conditions of justice (Deut. 33:18, 19).

Many of the tribe of Issachar joined David in Ziklag, who are said to have been “understanding of the times, and knowing what Israel should do” (1 Chron. 12:32). In the first count there were 54,400 men from Issachar ready for war, and in the second, 64,300. They are described as “exceedingly valiant men” (1 Chron. 7:4, 5).

The tribe had one of the most ferocious sections of the earth, including the extensive plain of Jezreel, with the Jordan as its limit for about 70 km. In Rev. 7:7 there are 12,000 from Issachar among the 144,000 indicated.
(b) Son of Obed-edom, Levite of the family of Korah (1 Chron. 26:5).

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