In general, the action of one who seeks the good of another, intervening on their behalf, to obtain a benefit, forgiveness, etc.

There are many cases of intercession in the Scriptures, and Abraham’s intercession before God for Sodom can be noted in the OT (Gen. 18:23-33)

Moses’ multiple intercessions seeking God’s forgiveness toward a rebellious nation (Ex. 32:11-14, 21-24; 33:12-16; cf. Deut. 9:13-29) and many other examples, such as of Samuel, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah, praying for the blessing and restoration of his people.

In the NT we meet the great Intercessor, Christ. The Greek term, “entunchanõ”, means “to meet”, to intercede. It refers to the intercession of Christ on behalf of his saints, while they are in their present state, to bring them to be as befits the position given them by justifying forgiveness, and also to lift them above their trials, and lead them as priests to the joys and activities corresponding to the spiritual sanctuary (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25).

The Holy Spirit also intercedes for believers when they do not know how to pray as they should, and he does so with groanings that cannot be uttered (Rom. 8:26, 27).

In 1 Ti. 4:5 we are commanded to intercede for all men.

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