The book of Haggai is the tenth in the group of the twelve minor prophets.
It is made up of four prophecies given in the space of four months in the second year of Darius Hystaspes, in the year 520 BC:

(a) First prophecy:

On the first day of the sixth month, the prophet addresses his reproaches to those who have built paneled houses, but who have left the temple of God in ruins, and shows them that God has not given blessing to their usual work. Following this exhortation, the reconstruction of the temple resumes on the twenty-fourth day of this same month (Hag. 1).

(b) Second prophecy:

On the twenty-first day of the seventh month, Haggai gives words of encouragement to those who lament the poor appearance of the new building, comparing it with the splendor of the old. He predicts that the latter glory of the temple would be greater than its first glory, for God will shake the nations; Whatever they have that is most precious will flow into the house of the Lord, full of his glory and his peace.

It will be at this stage of the temple that the Desire will come (v. 7). It is worth noting here how, unlike so many commentators, who speak of the “first temple”, the “second temple”, the language of the prophecy takes great care to highlight the unique character of the temple (“This house in its glory first… the latter glory of this house will be greater for the first (Hag. 2:3, 9).

Thus, it is noteworthy that as far as God is concerned, there has only been and will be one temple, although in different historical phases and glories.

(c) Third prophecy:

On the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, Haggai gave the sequel to the first prophecy. Just as contact with something impure contaminates what is pure, so the Israelites’ previous neglect of God had contaminated their efforts. Therefore, God had withdrawn his blessing from them. But the renewal of his zeal for Jehovah would restore fertility to the seasons (Hag. 2:10-19).

(d) Fourth prophecy:

On the same day, Haggai pronounced his final prophecy. When the Lord shakes the heavens and the earth and overturns the nations, He will establish Zerubbabel, representative of the royal line of the house of David (Hag. 2:20-23).

Haggai’s message has permanent practical application. In fact it can be summed up in the lapidary statement of the Lord Jesus “Seek first the kingdom of God and the righteousness of it, and all these things will be added to you (Mt. 6:33).

God wants from His people unreserved loyalty to Him, subordinating everything to the fulfillment of His will, and He will faithfully care for His own.

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