The eastern kings, true despots who earned a lot of hatred, had to continually protect themselves with a personal guard, more dangerous than useful if the sovereign could not completely trust their loyalty.

Therefore, being a member of the guard was a very honorable position.
The captain of the guard was a very high-ranking official. Among them are mentioned:
Potiphar (Gen. 37:36; 41:12);
Benaiah (2 Sam. 23:22, 23; 1 Chron. 18:17);
Nebuzaradan (2 Kings 25:8; Jer. 39:9, 10);

Arioch (Dan. 2:14), and others.
The captain of the guard and his men frequently had to apply capital punishment to those guilty of political crimes or other offenses.
In Mr. 6:27 “one of the guard” is, in Gk. «spekoulatõr», lit., spy.

Within each Roman legion there was a section of them. In the empire, these men served as the general’s personal guard, who made them carry messages and search for outlaws and those condemned to death.

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