“circle of stones”, “rolling” and “reproach” in Joseph. 4:20.
(a) Israel’s first camp after crossing the Jordan (Josh. 4:19; 5:2-9). It appears that Joshua had his headquarters there until he broke the strength of the Canaanites at the battle of Lake Merom (Joshua 14:6; Judges 2:1).

It was considered a sacred place (1 Sam. 10:8; 11:14; 13:7-14; 15:12, 21-23). Those who remained loyal to David found him there after Absalom’s death (2 Sam. 19:12, 40). In the 8th century BC. it was an idolatrous sanctuary (Hos. 4:15; Am. 5:5).

(b) A place between Bethel and Shechem included in Samuel’s annual visit, and meeting place between Elijah and Elisha (1 Sam. 7:16; 2 Kings 2:1). Today Dyldylia.

(c) A place east of Mount Gerizim, today Dyuledyl (Deut. 11:30; Josh. 12:23).
(d) A border place of Judah also called Guelilothy Beth-Gilgal (Josh. 15:7; 18:17; Neh. 12:29).

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