Mountains that form the southern flank of the valley where ancient Shechem, today Nablus, flourished.
Mount Gerizim rises to 868 m. above sea level.

When the Israelites conquered central Palestine, Joshua led the people there, and dividing half the tribes into Gerizim and the other half into Ebal, he caused them to repeat the blessings and curses of the law (Deut. 11:29; 27:12, 13).

In that same place, Jotham, son of Gideon, spoke in parables to the people of Shechem (Judg. 9:7).

The Samaritans built a temple of Gerizim, constituting it as a sacred mountain. The Samaritan woman referred to him in her conversation with Jesus (John 4: 20-21).

The small Samaritan community that still exists celebrates the Passover festival there with the immolation of the lamb according to the ancient ritual.

The spelling of the name of this mountain is not the same in the Spanish versions; the Reina-Valera writes Gerizim; others, Garicim, Garizim, Gerizim.

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