When they were still nomads, the Hebrews lived mainly on bread and the products of their livestock, such as fresh or sour milk, and sometimes meat (Gen. 18:7, 8; Judges 5:25).

They also ate wild honey (Judg. 14:8, 9). When they settled in Palestine, they supplemented their diet with the products of their gardens, vineyards and fields: lentils, zucchini, beans, chickpeas, roasted grain (2 Sam. 17:28), pomegranates, figs, raisins, olives, etc. (Num. 13:23; 20:5; Mt. 7:16).

Must and vinegar were widely used drinks. Fish, lobsters, poultry and eggs were also eaten (1 Kings 4:23; Neh. 13:16; Mt. 4:18; Luke 11:12).

The simplest meals were composed of bread and lentils (Gen. 23:34), or other stews (2 Kings 4:38), or bread and wine (Gen. 14:18), or roasted grain and vinegar. (Rt. 2:14).

Abraham feasted his guests by offering them a more substantial meal: butter, milk, fine flour cakes, and the flesh of a calf (Gen. 18:3-8).

The table of the rich and great offered a greater diversity of foods (1 Kings 4:22, 23; Neh. 5:18).

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