Name given by Adam to his wife after the fall, and after God had spoken of her seed and told her that in pain she would give birth to children.

In Hebrew, the name is “hawwãh,” which means “life,” since “she was the mother of all living” (Gen. 3:20; 4:1).

She had been created shortly after Adam, to be his companion and collaborator. God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and took one of her ribs, forming Eve from it (Gen. 2:18-24).

For the Creator everything is possible, and must be accepted without doubt as the apostle Paul did (1 Cor. 11:8-12).

It was no more difficult for God to create woman in this way than to create Adam from the dust of the ground (v. 7), or, when he walked among us in his incarnation, to effect the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, or resurrect Lazarus.

Several consequences and lessons emerge from this fact. Adam was taught that his companion was truly “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Gen. 2:23).

If it is true that every man is born from a woman, it is also true that the first woman came from man. Thus, we are taught the essential unity of the human race.

It is emphasized in the story that the man is not complete without the woman. God created man, “male and female,” and they are called to transmit life to his descendants (Gen. 1: 27-28).

It is not good for man to be alone, since he is a social being par excellence; The woman is not placed under the man, as his slave, but beside him, as a help like him (v. 18).

The man will leave his parents, and, joining himself to his wife, the two will become one flesh, founding the family, which constitutes the basic cell of society (v. 24).
Eve is mentioned twice in the NT.

Women must be silent in church; They should not exercise authority over man, because Adam was formed first; and Adam was not deceived, but she was (1 Tim. 2:13).

This deception is further explained in that Eve was deceived by the craftiness of the serpent, the same enemy who now seeks to lead believers astray (2 Cor. 11:3).

Typologically, from Eve’s formation of a rib in Adam’s side, and which she gave the name “isha”, we see the image of the emergence of the Church as a fruit of the sufferings and death of the pierced Christ, who belongs to her. and is presented to Him (cp. Eph. 5:31-32).

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