This name was originally given to the southern region of the Babylonian Empire that bordered the Persian Gulf. In the southern part was Ur and to the north was Babylon. The inhabitants of the country of Chaldea were reputed to be wise (Gen. 9:51; Neh. 9:7; Dan. 1:4; 2:2).

They inhabited these lands since the 10th century BC. For a long time they did not submit to urban life, but continued their tribal organization. This made them a focus of resistance to Assyrian domination.

Therefore, as the Assyrian Empire declined, the Chaldeans filled the political vacuum produced in the region of Babylon. First, owners of the city and region of Babylon, and then of Mesopotamia, and finally of a vast empire, which extended to the borders of Egypt, the Chaldeans ruled Babylon during the time of its greatest splendor.

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