This is a fabric made of linen, hemp, cotton or other similar plant fibers. The mention of “clothes” in 1 Kings 10:28 and 2 Chron. 1:16 is doubtful.

Masoretic punctuation makes these two passages different from other structures. The translation given by the V. M. is: «And the harvest of horses (which “was at Solomon’s expense”) “was made” from Egypt, and “through” the board of the king’s merchants: the board brought them out. at “fixed” prices» (1 Kings 10:28, cf. with RVR).

In the NT it is used of the linen cloths with which the Lord’s body was wrapped (Luke 24:12; John 19:40; 20:5-7), and in the story of the great cloth that descended from heaven with animals ceremonially impure, in Peter’s vision (Acts 10:11,16; 11:5).

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