(in Hebrew, it is generally “sar”, “he who is at the head”; Greek: “oikonomos” and “epitropos”: “steward”, “dispenser” or “administrator”).

Superintendent, administrator of the property of another’s house.
Eliezer was Abraham’s steward (Gen. 15:2; 24:2);
Joseph had one (Gen. 43:19; 44:1, 4),
like David and Solomon (1 Chr. 27:31; 1 Kings 4:7),

Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 1:11, 16),
Herod (Luke 8:3),
the lord of the parable of the unfaithful steward (Mt. 20:8).

The butler was also the one who directed the staff and kept the house accounts; the dispenser that distributed items and food to the members of the house, both for their food and to carry out their jobs (Lk. 12:42; 16:1).

According to the NT, God’s servants are the stewards or dispensers that He has placed in His Church (Tit. 1:7; 1 Cor. 4:1-2; 1 Pet. 1:12); With this, all believers are dispensers of the graces and gifts that God has entrusted to them (1 Pet. 4:10).

What is required of each one is that he be faithful, because the day will come when he must give an account of his administration. He will have to restore all the goods that he has received to his care, and it is then only that he will receive “what is his”, that is, his eternal inheritance (Lk. 16: 2, 9-12) .

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