The Syrian bear, Ursus syriacus, is yellowish brown; Except in case of urgent need, he has a basically vegetarian diet; All bears become dangerous if touched (Is. 11:7; Am. 5:19), and particularly if their cubs are taken from them (2 Sam. 17:8; Prov. 17:12; Hos. 13:8 ).
Although the bear is currently found only in Lebanon, in Hermon, and in remote areas of Gilead, Bashan and Moab, east of the Jordan, in the past it roamed throughout the land of Canaan (cf. Pr. 28: fifteen).
David killed one near Bethlehem (1 Sam. 17:34).
In the area of Bethel, two bears came out of the forest and tore to pieces forty-two boys who were mocking Elisha (2 Kings 2:24).
In Dn. 7:5 the bear that is ordered to devour a lot of meat represents the empire of Media and Persia, one of the four empires that, in succession, were to rule the world.
Daniel’s four animals merge in Rev. 13:2 into a single beast, symbolizing the power of the entire world imperial system; His feet are bear feet.